Kelly Jewett

There was a time when Kelly Jewett did not think she was going to be a teacher.  "God had a plan for my life, and I'm glad he did, because he knew that I was meant to teach," Jewett remembers.  As she stood teary-eyed before a crowd at the Chapman Cultural Center Thursday night, the longtime Byrnes High School teacher received one of the biggest honors of her education career.  The Spartanburg Science Center named Jewett the Spartanburg County STEM Educator of the Year.  "I'm so honored, and so grateful," Jewett says.

The award, in its inaugural year, recognizes one teacher who exemplifies excellence in STEM education.  Jewett, a Project Lead the Way and biomedical science teacher at Byrnes, was one of seven finalists representing each of Spartanburg County's seven school districts.  "For a long time, we didn't see women in STEM, and I'm just proud to pave the path for young girls and show them the many careers that are available to them in STEM," says Jewett.

Along with her award, Jewett received a check for $2500 to use in her classroom, along with access to professional development through the Science Center.  "I work with the best students, and the best colleagues, and I'm just blessed to get to do what I love doing every day."